Text of Sunday Reflection

“The Mother was there”
by Fr Ray McIntyre SDB

Being sensitive to the real needs of another person is a great gift to have if we hope to relate to that person. Even generosity can get us nowhere if sensitivity is missing.

Of course, sensitivity that doesn’t lead to appropriate action is useless but the ability to spot a neighbour’s needs and our willingness to meet those needs is a wonderful thing.

The gift of sensitivity is something we see in Mary in today’s gospel which recalls the first public miracle performed by Jesus at Cana in Galilee. The water is changed into wine, the best is kept until the end.

Mary seems to have been one of the first to realise that when Jesus brought the disciples with him to the wedding, the wine supplies were bound to be stretched. Mary lost no time on excuses or explanations. The bride and groom would be very embarrassed by suggestions of meanness. Mary wanted to help the couple so she turned to her son and asked him to help which he did with great generosity.

The miracle of Cana is not just about changing water into wine. The miracle has a deeper meaning. St John called it a sign, something that is pointing us to a deeper reality. At Cana the wine ran out. This was a way of saying that the old religion, the old observances, had been found wanting. The time had come for the promises of the old testament to be fulfilled. The prophets had foretold an abundance of wine with the coming of the messiah. At Cana Jesus provided just that. Those who tasted the new wine agreed that it was better than the old.

The miracle of Cana points to what would happen all through the ministry of Jesus. His presence would change the lives of those with whom he came into contact. He continues to do this for his followers today.

St John says in his account that the mother of Jesus was there. Mary trusted that her son could save the day and she challenged him to do so.

From her place in heaven Mary continues to intercede with her son on behalf of the church and of the world. You can put your trust in Mary, the woman of Cana.

Readings, Reflections & Prayers

Scripture readings: Association for Catholic Priests
– www.associationofcatholicpriests.ie

Reflections and Prayers by Fr Jack Finnegan SDB

1st Reading – Isaiah 62:1-5

For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her vindication shines out like the dawn, and her salvation like a burning torch. The nations shall see your vindication, and all the kings your glory; and you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will give. You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You shall no more be termed Forsaken, and your land shall no more be termed Desolate; but you shall be called My Delight Is in Her, and your land Married; for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married. For as a young man marries a young woman, so shall your builder marry you, and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.


Our first reading is taken from a series of songs celebrating return from exile. In the song chosen for today the prophet sings of Jerusalem, the restored city. God is revealed as the Builder rejoicing over the city like a bridegroom rejoicing over his bride. Hence the link to today’s gospel, the wedding at Cana. The message is profound in its lovely portrayal of our intimate relationship to God. Jerusalem is a glorious crown and tiara. That is how God wants to see us. The prophet sings a new name for Jerusalem, Hephzibah (a girl’s name meaning ‘my delight is in her’). Can you imagine God giving each of us a new name, symbol of his love and mercy, symbol of a new identity and purpose in life? Can you picture God rejoicing over us as a bridegroom rejoicing in his bride? Can you imagine us as utterly restored and renewed in Christ? Can you imagine God leading us in grace through victory and triumph, through light and glory, to exaltation and espousal? Rejoice! For it is so!


LORD, Adonai, how you love us! You hold us as glorious crowns in your hands! You rejoice over us like a loving bridegroom! You restore us and renew us! You lift us up on eagle’s wings! You have a secret name for each one of us, a symbol of your love and mercy, a name that shapes our true identity in your amazing grace. Help us to be who you want us to be! Remind us that we are your images in the world! You will never forsake us! You are father of the orphan, comforter of those who mourn! You will never leave us desolate! You are a God who saves! Touch migrants and refugees in a special way today. Inspire just political and economic solutions in their countries of origin. May your great Name be blessed today by peoples everywhere and for ever! Amen and Amen.

Psalm 96:1-3, 7-10


We prayed part of this psalm of celebration at Christmas Midnight Mass. So it links us firmly to the Christ event we have just honoured, and it shows us how to rejoice at the Wedding Feast of Cana. Psalm 96 teaches us that praise has a musical quality, a rich quality of voice and prayerful worship. It reminds us too, of our call to witness: “Proclaim his marvellous deeds to all the nations.” We are invited to sing with the whole cosmos, to give voice to all of creation. I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High (Psalm 9:1-2). We are called to utter blessing everything everywhere. We are urged to give praise and glorify the LORD, to worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness! For the LORD is a wonderful shepherd-king who governs the peoples with fairness and love. The LORD is our Bridegroom and we his beloved! Make his praise glorious!


LORD, Adonai, all your works are great and wonderful! We sing to you! We declare your glory! We proclaim your marvellous deeds! We rejoice in you! We give thanks to you! We proclaim your saving-healing grace to the whole world! We join the whole cosmos in blessing your Holy Name! May we worship you the Holy One, radiant in the dazzling beauty of holiness! Be our Bridegroom again today! Teach us how to bow our heads before you in praise and adoration. Give us the grace to share your glory with someone today. Help us reach out in practical ways to migrants and refugees. May all living beings praise and thank you! Knock on the doors of our hearts! May your glory shine now and for ever! Amen and Amen.

2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires them all in every one. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are inspired by one and the same Spirit, who aportions to each one individually as he wills.


The challenge facing us in the second reading is to come to a balanced awareness of the role and function of charismatic gifts in the faith community. Paul reminds us that there are many gifts of the Spirit – he list nine here – and that they all share a fundamental unity in divine grace. When a balanced awareness of the gifts is absent we should not be surprised if tensions and problems quickly arise, something that happened among the Corinthians where some gifts were favoured over others. We can see similar problems in the contemporary Church. Writing to the Corinthians, Paul uses three words in the Greek that we need to take seriously. The first is charismata, meaning gifts, which reveals the presence of the Holy Spirit. The second is diakoniai, meaning services, which points to Jesus. The third is energemata, meaning workings or functions, which point to God. The Holy Trinity is close at hand here! Are we open to the gifts of the Spirit for the common good? Are we praying the Spirit to make us one in the grace of Trinity?


Lord Jesus, may our hearts never forget how wonderfully you gift us in the grace of the Spirit! How glorious your presence among us! Shine in the world through the Spirit-Gifts you share with us for the good of all. They are your smile among us, your loving touch, a cause for joy! Renew your Church today with gifts of wisdom and knowledge, with gifts of faith, healing and miracle-working, with gifts of prophecy, discernment, and grant us new languages of praise. Let streams of living mercy flow, especially in the world’s troubled spots. Help us serve you and our neighbour today. Teach us how to be creative and practical in your service, especially to migrants and refugees. Lord Jesus, may vibrant glory be given to the Father, through you, in the power of the Spirit! Now and for ever. Amen and Amen.

Gospel Reading: John 2:1-11

On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” Now standing there were six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. He said to them, “Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.” So they took it. When the steward tasted the water that had become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward called the bridegroom and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now. Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.


Christ’s first miracle, the changing of the water into wine, has long been taken as a direct manifestation of the glory of God in the life of Christ. But in a time when people seek autonomy from God, a time that questions and rejects miracles, people are more likely to be influenced by the finely tuned symbolism of the story. Notice how it presents Jesus – and his mother Mary – as radical agents of change. Unfortunately, many Christians seem to be frightened of change today. They often oppose and resist it. In writing his gospel John wanted to challenge Jewish Christians who were concealing their faith in order to avoid expulsion from the synagogue. Are we doing something similar in Ireland and in Europe today? We all too easily forget that the purpose of Christ’s coming into the world was to bring about a crisis, a confrontation, a life-changing decision between light and darkness, truth and falsehood, life and death. John is interested in reminding us that in the Easter events the old will be replaced by the new. This is what the changing of the water into wine symbolises. The true epiphany is the cross. Is it so for us? Are we ready to change? Are we ready to choose and witness to the light?


Lord Jesus, your mother Mary said to the waiters, Do whatever he tells you! We too want to follow her loving words. Reveal your glory through us today! We are the water. Turn us into wine! We are your servants. Heal our pride. Deliver us from the fear of change! Help us transcend our resistances! Give us gospel courage! Show us the truth: free us from our defensive illusions, our habitual reactions and our unrecognised conditioning! Teach us to smile. When things run short, especially for migrants and refugees, help us make a difference. When people are in need inspire us to offer a generous helping hand as you did that day at Cana. When people need a supporting word inspire us. Teach us to rejoice through all that occurs! Sun of our souls, help us be like you! Let blessings flow abundantly like the miraculous wine from your limitless store. Now and for ever. Amen and Amen.

Lectio Divina

The first public manifestation of Jesus in the fourth gospel took place in the unusual setting of a wedding. It came about through the carelessness of a young couple, and the womanly attention and motherly care of Mary, and her obedience. This led Jesus to anticipate his hour. His miracle rescued the wedding feast, and spared the young couple embarrassment and ridicule. Most important of all, however, it transformed those who were just curious followers into disciples who believed in Jesus. Where Mary is present, the feast is saved despite people’s carelessness, and interest in Jesus leads to firm faith in him. The community of disciples was born when a woman noticed the oversight that robbed the occasion of joy, and when the mother, despite a first rebuff from her Son, taught the servants to obey. How much we stand to lose, if we lose sight in our lives of the Mother of God! Is it any wonder that sometimes we find it difficult to live in faith and joy?

Read: understand what the text is saying, focussing on how it says it

The account of the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee (Jn. 2, 1-11) is a well-defined narrative block. It begins by locating the action and introducing the persons taking part, and concludes with a comment on the theological significance of the event (Jn. 2, 11). The account is divided into three scenes, or rather, three dialogues – the dialogue between Mary and Jesus (Jn. 2, 3 b-5), that between Jesus and the servants (Jn. 2, 7-8), and finally the dialogue between the steward and the bridegroom (Jn. 2,9-10).

The story proceeds in narrative form until it is interrupted with a comment by the evangelist (Jn. 2, 11), followed by a reference to their departure (Jn. 2,12) which concludes the account. In verse 11 the writer gives his understanding of the meaning of what occurred. The disciples recognised in this first miracle of Jesus (or, more precisely, the beginning of his signs: cf. Jn. 4,46-54; 5,1-9, 6. ,1-15 16-21, 9.1 a 12; 11:1-44) an external manifestation of God, and his glory, and the efficacious presence of his interventions in history which can only be understood in faith (cf. 2,23-25 , 4,48, 20,29).

The whole account is permeated by a subtle irony, typical of John. Reporting the shortage of wine at a wedding feast (Jn. 2, 3), does not give a good impression of the people in charge, nor does the revelation that they usually kept the poor wine until the last (Jn. 2,10).

John the Baptist was a strict ascetic who neither ate nor drank (cf. Mt 11, 18). For some of John’s disciples, the idea that Jesus would bring them to a wedding feast where the festivities might go on for two or three days was bound to be disconcerting, It was a major surprise, then, that the first sign given by Jesus  was to change ordinary water into the best of wine. There had been no request for a miracle, nor did Jesus look for faith before performing it. It came as a pure gift. Like every messianic gift, it was superabundant. The guests enjoyed about 600 litres of excellent wine. This impressive quantity and the joy that went with it drew attention to Jesus who, in order to offer the wine, had taken on the role of the bridegroom (cf. Mt 15, 1-13).

It is significant that the mother of Jesus was present at the wedding before him (Jn. 2, 1) and that she was the one to notice the shortage of wine. Mary does not request anything of Jesus, she simply makes him aware of a need. Jesus’ answer was harsh and unexpected, but it is central to understanding the deeper meaning of this episode. The title ‘woman’ was correct in itself but it was unusual to use it in addressing one’s mother (Jn. 19, 26 ). Together with the phrase ‘what is that to you and me?’ (Cf. Judges 11, 12; 2 Sam 16, 10; 1 Kings 17,18) it seems to indicate, if not a complete break in their relationship, at least, very different projects in life (Mk 1,24 ; 5,7 ). Jesus dissociates himself from earthly bonds that might get in the way of obedience to his heavenly Father. The family ties preferred by Jesus are those that arise from obedience to God (cf. Mk 3, 31-35; Lk 2,48 -49).

With her appeal. Mary was interested only in the feast and she wanted to save just one family from embarrassment. In his reply, Jesus places his mother’s request within God’s plan.  He invites her to be part of his plan, without yet revealing what the plan will mean in concrete. For this reason, Mary’s response can be seen as one of faith. She moves from trust in Jesus to obedience. And she invites the servants to do whatever he tells them (Jn. 2, 5). Mary’s trust in Jesus, even if it was not planned in advance, and the readiness of the servants to do what they were told, are the reasons why Jesus decides to anticipate the messianic joy, prefiguring it by his action.

Strictly speaking, the miracle is not described but merely referred to. The writer’s interest   is to show that for Jesus one word was enough. In this sign, the disciples saw his glory (Jn. 2, 11). The purpose of the sign was to awaken faith (20, 31).

From Cana, Jesus went to Capernaum (Jn. 2, 12) accompanied by his family and his disciples who now believed in him. Faith is the origin of his new family. Jesus let his glory be seen for the first time in the intimacy of a family feast, among friends and relatives, in an obscure village in Galilee, among ordinary people, with servants who obey even though they did not know Jesus, and a mother who noticed the shortage of wine … and the need of Jesus.

Meditate: apply what the text says to life

Jesus began preaching the kingdom of God only when he had been identified by John the Baptist, and when he had some disciples following him. The very first thing he did was to join some young people in celebrating their marriage. As recorded in the Gospel, Jesus began his mission in the company of his mother and his first disciples, as the guest of a couple of newly-weds. Attending a wedding is a rather strange way to inaugurate a kingdom!

For us today, this episode is well known and causes no surprise. However, it was sure to attract the attention of the people of Jesus’ time. At that time, it was expected that anyone who preached conversion should practice penance and fasting, as John the Baptist did.

The first disciples, who had been following Jesus only a short time, were bound to be surprised that, instead of bringing them to the temple or the desert, the favoured places for the presence of God, Jesus brought them to a wedding to give them their first lesson.

Later, Jesus would teach that it is not possible to fast when the banquet is ready (Mt 11, 18 -19); when the bridegroom and his friends are still with him, sharing his joy (Mk 2,18 -20). But before he said it, Jesus put it into practice by bringing his followers to share the joy and hopes of a new marriage. This action of Jesus is not a mere coincidence!

Even at the risk of being misunderstood, Jesus wanted to show that following him is not a reason for not enjoying life, or not sharing in the joy of friends. This is the reason why the first followers of Jesus became believers, at a family feast, during a wedding celebration. The situation of the disciples and the joy they shared with others is founded on the presence of the Lord. Have we, the disciples of Jesus today, not moved very far from our origins?

The first disciples benefitted from the presence of Jesus by sharing in the joy of a family, opening up to them the dream of life in common, before they became believers. They shared his joy before they came to faith, a profoundly human joy, the joy of two newly-weds.

Being sensitive to the human love of others, and sharing their joys and their dreams, even if there may be unforeseen problems and difficulties, is the way we must go to come to faith in Jesus. The disciple should not cut himself off from the life and the joys of others, but should share them with Jesus.

Maybe the reason why we are  not such strong believers is that we have not discovered reasons for joy, in our own lives and in the lives of people around us, or when we do, we find excuses for not sharing the joy with Jesus. We must not forget that it was at a wedding-feast that the disciples became believers. Those who did not accept Jesus’ invitation and did not go with him to the banquet, did not witness the miracle worked by their Master and did not allow him to become Lord of their lives.

Strange as it may seem, the reason why we are not better disciples of Jesus and do not trust him completely, is because we do not celebrate enough. We do not share joy with others. Anyone who has the capacity to share joy, will witness a miracle. Only those who were present with Jesus at a wedding saw water changed into wine, and, at the same time, experienced the joy of being with Jesus. Anyone who allows himself to be invited by Jesus to share the joyful events of life, will witness the miracle which transforms the Master into the Lord of his life.

If it had not been for Mary, who noticed the shortage of wine in that house, and immediately told Jesus about it, the miracle would not have occurred and the joy of the feast would not have lasted long. Mary saw the danger that the feast might turn our badly. Her intervention spared the young couple embarrassment and ridicule. Despite a negative response from Jesus at first, she looked for people who would be willing to obey her Son without asking any questions.

Mary was not intimidated by Jesus’ response. She knew that if she did what he said, that he would intervene, that the wine would flow in abundance and the feast would be saved.  This was the second lesson that the disciples were to learn at Cana in Galilee. The mere presence of Jesus is not enough to ensure the joy of life. It is necessary also to do what he says, whatever it might be, even if immediately beforehand he said he had no intention of doing anything.

Mary could not solve the problem of the shortage of wine alone, nor could she salvage the feast, but she knew that her Son could, if he wanted to …  and she trusted him. She encouraged others to trust him and obey him. They did not have to wait long for the miracle, even though it meant that Jesus reluctantly had to anticipate the time of his manifestation.

The disciples who were present became happy believers without too much effort, not so much as a result of the miracle, but on account of Mary’s obstinate trust and the silent obedience of the servants. Those who live joyfully as disciples together with Mary can be sure that joy will not be lacking in their lives. Their lack of faith, and their failure to find joy and enthusiasm in their own lives and in their homes, can be overcome. Nothing can take away the joy of living, not even our own inability to attain joy or to preserve it, if we stay close to Mary as we journey with Jesus through life. If Mary is missing in our lives, then we miss many of the things that are necessary. We need her if we are to become believers who will not lose the joy of living. We cannot do without Mary, if we do not want to lose faith and the joy of feasting.

To become disciples of Jesus, then, we have to first of all recover our devotion to the Mother of God. She is not omnipotent, but she is attentive to our needs. She is not a miracle-worker, but a powerful intercessor who can count on the generosity of her Son. A devotion that makes us obedient like the servants, will ensure that we will witness miracles in our everyday life, just as the first disciples did. Why should we be any different from them? They did nothing special. They simply had the good fortune to be with Jesus and his mother at a feast. With Mary, our following of Jesus becomes an experience of faith and joy to be lived with others. Living with Mary means that while we journey with Jesus our faith become easier, and we can be sure of a joyful faith, overlooked perhaps at times, but we can be always happy. People who knows that Mary cares about them, and even about their mistakes and faults, have no need to worry. Jesus will always come back to surprise us, as he surprised the first disciples at Cana in Galilee, as long as we share with Mary the joys and the limits of our daily lives. It is not too much, then, to ask of us that we become believers. We do not have to renounce the joys of life, nor do we have to live without ever making a mistake. This is our good fortune if we have Mary alongside us as we follow her Son closely. It is hard to understand, therefore, why we neglect her so much. She is the one who takes care of us, of our faults and of our faith.